Monday, November 3, 2008

It's a New Day!!!

Well its 10:43at night and I am still writing. My depression is easing a little bit every day, but very slowly and I have to admit that I get a little impatient at times. I personally can’t wait until the election is over, gosh; everyone I know (which is a whopping 10 people) is just getting downright cranky.

Anyways I wanted to stress something I posted last night that not all of you read. This blog is NOT intended to be a substitute for a doctor. I chose to do it this way because of my financial situation.
Anyways thank you for those of you who posted. Going to bed early tonight. Trying to get my home winterized and am really looking forward to the big election coverage tomorrow.
Remember to do your breathing, and tomorrow I will post something special for desktop background for those of you who are interested. I do encourage you all to post comments. After all, that is what this blog is for.
Bless ya all
Leeza :0)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

It's Been a Month!!!

It’s been A Month!!!!

Wow, I can’t believe it has been a month since I stopped taking my antidepressant. It has been a long haul, but I have to say that I made it through the worst part and I am still doing okay.
First let me update you as to what happened since my last post.

I started taking the Sam-E and it gave me some digestive upset. So I backed off and didn’t take it until 2 weeks ago. During that time I wasn’t taking anything besides the Dramamine for the first week and a half, I do have to say that the Dramamine worked quite well, so I didn’t use the Benadryl. The dizziness lasted about a week and a half then I was okay. The bloating went away too! The sleepiness has subsided, and now I am waking up an hour before I used to (which was 9:00 am) so my days are a little longer.

Now it is November 1st and my main problem is I am very grumpy. That was my problem before. My Doctor put me on anti depressants because I would get really angry over the stupidest things. Maybe that was depression; maybe it was just me being frustrated with life. I am still trying to figure that one out.

The Sam-e is helping a little bit, but as I said in my last post, I have severe anxiety (or had) it doesn’t seem to be bothering me much, but the Sam-E does not help with anxiety. Before, I was afraid to leave my house, could not go to the store, or even drive without having a major panic attack. The most comfortable place for me was my bedroom. It still is now, but I can walk to the store, interact with people and not be afraid I am going to pass out. (That happened many times to me, which is how bad my panic attacks were)

The anxiety problem is another story, I have to remind myself to BREATHE.. it may sound stupid, but yes, us anxiety sufferers tend to forget to breathe. We are under so much stress that we tend to hold our breath for longer than any normal person would. That is why we get light-headed and dizzy, and yes sometimes pass out. If your reading this, try and mind your breath, if you really try and pay attention you will realize that you are holding your breath. It takes practice and as a matter of fact here is a little exercise for you to practice at night just before bed or anytime during the day. It is basically called belly breathing:

1. Lay on the floor on your back.
2. Place a book on your chest.. ( not a 5,000 page book , but something that puts a little pressure on your chest)
3. take a deep breath in and feel your belly filling up with air and then fill up your chest( making the book rise)
4. Hold that breathe for 2 seconds then slowly release the air through your mouth reversing the action you started. Meaning let the air go from your chest first and then out to flatten your stomach
It sounds a little hard, but it’s not, trust me If I can do it anyone can. It truly relaxes you.

So now I am off to watch Extreme makeover home edition (that makes me happy) and tomorrow I will go further into relaxing and other things to do to make you a happier person.
P.S This blog is NOT intended to be uses as a diagnosis or as a substitute for a doctor. Please consult your physician before attempting any dietary changes to your life. I am only speaking from my experience and what my Doc has told me. If anyone else has anything to share I encourage you to write post or email me. After all Knowledge is power.
Have a good night and see ya tomorrow

Thursday, September 25, 2008

My Introduction and First Day Withdrawing From Celexa

Thursday September 25, 2008

Well, it’s been 2 days since I stopped taking 20 mg’s of Celexa and I have to tell you, today was hell. I woke up feeling tired, bloated, and extremely dizzy. I did some research on the internet on withdrawal symptoms of Celexa and dizziness was one of the symptoms, along with tiredness, both of which I have.

I should say, that I stopped taking Celexa for many reasons, the first of which was that they cut my Husbands hours back at work, and now with the state mandated health insurance law, they take $100.00 out of my husbands check and it does not cover any of the prescriptions our family takes. This really frustrates me to no end. Second the side-effects of being on them are not worth it. It does a lot of damage to your liver and other organs after long term use. I was taking it for three years. It also makes you gain weight
And let’s just say my libido went flying out the window!

I have been through numerous antidepressants in my life as well as anxiety medication ( Klonopin) and withdrawing from Klonopin was just as bad. However, like I said I did some research on the internet and found a couple of over the counter meds that may help ease the side-effects of Celexa withdrawal. Please keep in mind I am telling you what I read.

My first mission was to get rid of my extreme dizziness. So I figured why not try Dramamine( motion sickness medication). So I took one pill this evening at about 7: 30 pm and it is now 9:29 pm and I have to say that my dizziness is almost gone. I feel a little tired but rather be tired than dizzy and not be able to do anything all day. Mind you this is only my first day taking this.

Second I read that Benadryl can also alleviate the dizziness and itching associated with withdrawal from Antidepressants. I bought the Benadryl today, but will wait and take it if the Dramamine does not work as well tomorrow.

The third and final thing I did was go out and purchase Sam-E it is a natural mood lifter and very good for liver cleansing, and for overall good health, and after taking Celexa I felt I needed to try it.
The link to check out Sam-E is:

Sam-E is all natural and has NO withdrawal effects. I started my first pill of that today. When I first read about I was a little hesitant because I have anxiety and the dosage they suggested seemed too high to me. So I am now just taking 50mg a day to start and see how my body handles it.
For those of you who are interested in trying it you can do so by venturing to your local pharmacy.

I know how you are feeling right now if you are in withdrawal, and all I can say is “this too shall pass”

I also read that after taking your last pill of Celexa that the withdrawal symptoms can take up to 8 days and as long as 4 weeks to get completely out of your system. Something the doctors don’t tell you. Well that’s it for tonight. If your feeling low you can pm or email me, I will be happy to help you through this if you feel you need to talk. Otherwise, I will be posting again until the side effects pass and probably even after if the Sam-E works.

God bless all you depressed and frustrated people.
